Privacy Policy

CastGlobal Trust Co.,Ltd. (the “Company”).   hereby declares that the Company has established and will comply with the following policies to ensure the protection of personal information, personal numbers and specified personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Specified Personal Information, etc.”) of customers, shareholders and other stakeholders.

  1. Compliance with related laws and regulations
    The Company will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information,” the “Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures,” guidelines and other norms issued by the competent authorities.

  2. Appropriate acquisition
    The Company will acquire your personal information and Specified Personal Information, etc. by appropriate and lawful means to the extent necessary for our business.

  3. Purpose of Use
    The Company will notify or publicly announce the purpose of use of personal information and Specified Personal Information, etc. In addition, except as otherwise provided by law, within the scope of the following purposes of use (excluding Specified Personal Information, etc.) The Company will not use personal information for any other purpose except as provided for in laws and regulations.
    1. To provide smooth service to customers doing business with us in relation to the business we operate. The Company is a joint stock company whose purpose is to engage in the following businesses.
      1. Buying, selling, leasing, managing and brokering real estate
      2. Real estate research and real estate consulting services
      3. Escrow services such as office management of real estate transactions entrusted by parties involved in real estate transactions
      4. Escrow services such as office management of collateral properties at the request of financial institutions and parties to transactions
      5. Money lending business
      6. Will preparation consultation, probate execution, and estate liquidation services
      7. Voluntary guardianship and legal guardianship services
      8. Brokerage and advisory services for mergers and acquisitions
      9. Contracting and consulting services related to management and human resources
      10. Civil trust consulting services
      11. Consulting services related to trusts
      12. All business incidental and related to each of the preceding items
    2. For the purpose of receiving applications for various services. To accept applications for various services and consultations
    3. To make various proposals concerning various services (including by direct mail, telephone, e-mail, etc.)
    4. To verify your identity in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, etc. and to comply with other laws and regulations
    5. To confirm eligibility to use various services
    6. To manage ongoing transactions such as due date management for trust transactions and other services
    7. To make judgments in light of the principle of suitability, etc. To determine the appropriateness of the provision of products and services, including judgments in light of the principle of suitability, etc.
    8. To process personal information from other businesses, etc. To carry out the entrusted business in cases where all or part of the processing of personal information is entrusted by other business operators, etc.
    9. To exercise rights or fulfill obligations under contracts with customers, laws, etc.
    10. To research and develop various products and services through market research, data analysis, questionnaires, etc.
    11. To propose products and services of partner companies, etc.
    12. To terminate various transactions and to conduct post-termination management after termination of transactions
    13. To understand and manage other risks necessary for the management of the Company and its subsidiaries and group companies (the “Group”), and to ensure the appropriate and smooth performance of transactions and agreements (including trust agreements and consignment agreements) with customers in the course of the Company’s business operations.

  4. Purpose of Use of Special Personal Information, etc.
    In accordance with the “Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures” (hereinafter referred to as “My Number Act”), etc., the Company will use Specified Personal Information, etc. only within the scope of the following purposes of use. In addition, we will not use the information for any purposes other than those permitted under the My Number Law.
    1. Purpose of Use of Specified Personal Information, etc.
    2. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to financial instruments transactions
    3. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to trust transactions
    4. To perform administrative work related to the application of the tax-exempt savings system, etc.
    5. To perform clerical work for the preparation of statutory documents concerning overseas remittance transactions, etc.
    6. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to stock transfer agency business
    7. To perform clerical work related to stock or trust beneficiary interest. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to transactions for the payment of shares, etc. or trust beneficiary right reckoning
    8. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to real estate business To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to real estate business
    9. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to real estate business To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to pension services
    10. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to education fund management contracts or marriage and childcare To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to education fund management contracts or marriage and childcare fund management contracts
    11. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to futures transactions.
    12. To perform clerical work for the preparation of legal documents related to bullion transactions
    13. To perform clerical work for the preparation of statutory reports on life insurance contracts, non-life insurance contracts, etc. by insurance companies.
    14. To perform clerical work related to deposit account numbering To perform clerical work related to deposit account numbering

  5. Sensitive Information
    The Company will not acquire, use, or provide to third parties any Sensitive Information about our customers, except as permitted under the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Sector.

  6. Outsourcing
    In the event that the handling of personal information and Specified Personal Information, etc., is entrusted to a subcontractor, the Company will appropriately supervise the subcontractor (including subcontractors and beyond) to ensure the safe management of personal information.

  7. Provision of Personal Data to third parties
    We will not provide Personal Data entrusted to us by our customers to any third party without obtaining the prior consent of the individual, except in cases where the provision of Personal Data to a third party as stipulated in Article 27.1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information is provided for by law or where we follow the procedures (opt-out) stipulated in Article 27.1 and 27.3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Furthermore, with regard to specified personal information, etc., we will not provide such information to any third party with or without the consent of the person in question, except in the cases provided for in the My Number Act.

  8. Joint Use of Personal Data
    The Group will conduct the following joint use of Personal Data. In the event that a customer requests that the sharing of Personal Data be discontinued, we will promptly discontinue the sharing of Personal Data.
    1. Items of Personal Data to be Shared
      1. The following personal information of customers and their family members, etc. provided by customers to the joint users in the form of application forms or other documents or by other means
      2. Transaction information and related information concerning all transactions (including past transactions) between customers and joint users
      3. Valuation information on which the joint user has made an assessment based on certain criteria and information on which the assessment was based
    2. Scope of joint users The Company The Company’s Subsidiary The Company’s Parent Company
    3. Purpose of use by joint users
      1. To accept applications and consultations for various products and services such as products and trust products of joint users
      2. To confirm your eligibility to use our group’s financial products, trust products, and other products and services
      3. To manage ongoing transactions
      4. To determine, such as judgments in light of the principle of suitability, etc., the appropriateness of our Group’s products, trust products, and other products and services
      5. To exercise rights and fulfill obligations under contracts and laws with customers.
      6. For research and development of our group’s financial products, trust products, and other products and services through market research, data analysis, questionnaires, etc.
      7. To make various proposals regarding our Group’s financial products, trust products, and other products and services, such as by providing information by telephone or sending direct mail, etc.
      8. To make various proposals concerning products and services of affiliated companies, etc.
      9. To cancel various transactions and to conduct post-action management after the cancellation of transactions
      10. For business management, risk management, compliance with laws and regulations, and related operations
      11. To properly and smoothly execute other transactions and contracts with customers
    4. Name of the person responsible for managing personal data
      General Manager of Legal and Compliance Department: Shigeru Sugano

  9. Response to inquiries etc. from customers regarding the handling of personal information
    The Company has established procedures for the disclosure and correction of personal information, and will respond promptly and appropriately to questions, comments, complaints, inquiries, and requests for correction regarding the handling of personal information and Specified Personal Information etc.

  10. Complaint Desk
    Complaints from customers regarding the handling of personal information will be accepted at the following contact point.

    36F, Atago Green Hills MORI Tower, 2-5-1, Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6236, Japan Legal & Compliance Department, Cast Glova Trust Co.

    Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
    Phone number 03-6633-4419

    Hours of operation
    Monday through Friday (excluding national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)
    9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

  11. Safety Management Measures
    In order to prevent leaks, etc., when managing personal information and Specified Personal Information, etc., the Company will take appropriate safety management measures in terms of organization, personnel, and technology (systems, etc.), and will establish a system of responsibility necessary for the protection of personal information.

  12. Continuous improvement
    The Company will continuously review and improve the rules and regulations regarding the protection of personal information. In addition, all officers and employees will understand the importance of protecting personal information, and we will thoroughly disseminate the proper handling of personal information and Specific Personal Information, etc., and provide appropriate education.

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