We are a good friend to overseas investors

To better serve the interests of overseas investors, we provide trustee services that nobody in Japan has provided before.
Once we begin accepting new clients again, it will be our aim to show many more potential investors, whether individuals or companies, the many real estate opportunities to be found here in Japan. Then, as potential clients learn more, it is my personal hope that they would become more interested in — and even come to gain a deep appreciation of — this great country.
We are doing something new
Compared with the centuries-long history of trusts in nations such as England, Japan has only very recently become a provider of non-commercial trust services to its citizens. Pure trust companies had been prohibited in Japan, but in 2004 the statutory trust business law was substantially amended to allow them. Following that, major amendments were made to the trust law in 2006, which came into force in 2007, modernising trust services (one of which is the articulation of a specified beneficial investment security-issuing trust).
With less than two decades of experience in this sector, many Japanese trust service providers are still being cautious about the kinds of services they offer their clients.
At CastGlobal Trust, we have thought carefully about how we can use our trust company to bring good outcomes for overseas investors. So, we have created a trust service to rival Japan’s expensive real estate investment schemes. Our solution is quick, it can potentially enable clients to borrow money from Japanese Financial Institutions, and under certain conditions it can provide a good effective tax rate.
“Our solution is quick, it can potentially enable clients to borrow money from Japanese Financial Institutions, and under certain conditions it can provide a good effective tax rate.”

We hope that all stakeholders will benefit
As we actively work to expand our business, we are eager to meet partners around the world who are excited about cooperating with us. There is a well-known saying in Japan, sanpo yoshi, which means that all stakeholders — investors, partners, and our company — should be satisfied with the results of our trust services. At CastGlobal Trust, we attach great importance to this saying, and we want to see everyone who works with us benefit.
There are many ways for us to realise benefits for all our stakeholders. And we have many ideas about how to continue building our business for the future.